Introducing Darby

What a delight to introduce Miss Darby Jenkins to you all!! Darby is our newest Junior Designer here at Lambert Home and we can't wait for you to get to know her and love her as much as we do!

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Katie LambertComment
We've Expanded!!

We have FINALLY finished our big expansion at the store, and I’m ready to tell y’all all about it!! The good, the bad, the insanity, the thrill! Lol. While we’ve still got a few finishing touches to knock out, we’ve officially got our desks set up, new products out, and are able to fully experience how big of a difference it is making already!

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Traveling to Daufuskie Island, South Carolina

Vegas, Miami, Nashville. These are where normal people go for bachelorette trips. Where do Lambert Home girls go for bachelorette trips? Daufuskie Island. You’ve never heard of it? Us either. Think of the most obscure place on the North American map and you’ll probably be close. So why Daufuskie? And what even is it? Well…let us tell you…Katie, being Laura’s Matron of Honor, and queen of planning trips, was naturally charged with planning Laura’s bachelorette trip this summer! That should be all you need to know to understand how we landed on a tiny unknown island in South Carolina, but if you don’t know Katie then let’s just say…she LOVES a remote, live like a local, adventure. The rest of us do too. So as soon as she pitched “island formally divided by plantations that became the central home of the Gullah Culture” we knew we were in & that it would be an experience of a lifetime.

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Figuring Out The Vibe

You know what everyone said would be fun & exciting & easy? Planning a wedding. You know what’s actually not at all fun, exciting, & easy? Planning a wedding. Don’t get me wrong…super excited to get married. Super excited about the man I’m marrying! But making 2 million decisions for my one and only wedding? Not so much. I wish someone would have been real with me leading up to this time in my life!

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