Yeeee! It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!!! I’ve never loved Christmas-time more than seeing it through the eyes of a 2 year old. And that’s saying a lot because I LOVE CHRISTMAS! There’s no time of year that feels so deeply nostalgic to me. Like, the core of my being FEELS it.

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Katie LambertComment
How We Decked Our Halls

We absolutely love this time of year and love celebrating how everyone decks their halls differently! Some celebrate with formality and glamour while others celebrate with hand-made or humor! Today on the blog we’re sharing how each of us decked our halls this year!

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Katie LambertComment
Overcoming Ingratitude

Ingratitude is a sticky, viral, dark poison. The thief of joy. It is a sickness that I had never been familiar with until I looked up one day, not feeling like myself at all, and fearfully wondered what on earth had happened.

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