How We Decked Our Halls

We absolutely love this time of year and love celebrating how everyone decks their halls differently! Some celebrate with formality and glamour while others celebrate with hand-made or humor! Today on the blog we’re sharing how each of us decked our halls this year! Show us how you decked your halls over in our Instagram DMs and we’ll be sharing everything on stories!!! We LOVE it!!!!


This year’s Christmas decorating was just a small glimpse into my every day decision making as the mother of a toddler. “I can either clean the house or I can play with Ruth.” “I can either organize the garage or I can play with Ruth.” Normally I would spend 2.5 full days to decorate our home for Christmas but this year, me and Nick knocked it out during one nap time!! WOOHOO!! 90 minutes and done!!! — We opted for a live tree with jumbo lights, (If y’all have read our Christmas blogs before, you know how I feel about jumbo lights on trees! Mandatory for full Christmas magic!!) then kept our decor very simple! Several vases filled with trimmings from the tree, stockings, and a few nativities! This year I got a new nativity at an antique shop that has SO MANY pieces, but my favorite nativity is this TINYYYY one that sits on my mantle! 


I’m drawn to colorful, celebratory, playful Christmas decor! I like candy themes, vintage themes, lots of color and sparkle. I have a bowl of disco balls on my dining table! I set it up Halloween weekend so that decorating doesn’t cause me stress closer to Christmas Day! Basically I wake up, decide “today is the day!”, crank classic Christmas tunes, and start unpacking the Christmas closet! 


After decorating the store in early October, I began thinking about when I would decorate our home. The store was so festive, and we had such a fun time working together; it was energizing, yet, I dreaded starting the process at home. Predicting I would be a team of one, okay, we can say two, Chris does his best begrudgingly! He has a grinch t-shirt; I'm just saying! Christian, my daughter, somehow manages to be super busy year after year, and Matthew is away at college! Knowing these factors, I set a goal to simplify. Determined instead to spend my time enjoying the beauty of glistening lights, a mantle covered in a garland of mixed greenery, and the smell of a fresh cedar wreath hanging on my back door. The ribbon and glitter didn't make it out of the attic this year, and you know what? I love it! I even put up a second tree, inspired by one of our dear customers, with all the family ornaments. Awww, the magic of Christmas! A fingerprint reindeer, pictures with Santa, keepsakes from our travels, and of course, the Polar Express bells had us all reminiscing on how quickly time passes. My party of one grew by three! ;)


AHHHH I just LOVE having Christmas decorations up in my home, and because of that, we put our Christmas up in mid-November! Think what you want, but Christmas is a SEASON and Thanksgiving is a day, they can co-exsist!! If you’ve seen some of the posts from me on our Instagram, you would know I’m a neutral gal through and through. I like simple, classy, and timeless so we opted to do whites, golds, woods, and some glitz and glam for our tree this year. I also love our little nativity scene we have on one of our side tables in our living room and all the trees and little decor pieces throughout our home. If it was socially acceptable, I would have Christmas up in my home all year round but for now, I’ll stick with putting it up in early November to maximize the amount of time I get to have added joy and beauty in my home!


Christmas decorating this year was MUCH different for me. To my family growing up, Christmas was always the most celebrated, most anticipated, most joyful time of the year by FAR! I mean, my dad literally collects Santa statues that fill our house year round… But this being my first holiday season in Texas, it was the first time I’ve purchased my own ornaments, planned my own Christmas theme, and decorated on my own! Most of the decorations are classic red and green (very distinctive Christmas just like my parents have always done) but I’ve also added some pink accessories here and there to make it more me! The ornaments on the tree are a mix of your typical plastic balls and ornaments that I’ve collected over time that have special meanings to me (which will hopefully one day fill the entire tree :)

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