Sarah's True Style

Katie laughs that figuring out people’s style is my spiritual gift—we know that style-assessing isn’t specifically listed in the Bible but… :)

Most people have multiple aesthetics in their minds that they think clash or fight. They don’t know which way to go because they “like too much” or their “Pinterest confuses them”. That’s normal! The key is identifying your two sides and planning how they’ll work together. Originally we had Katie pegged as Preppy + Boho but, as she’s found her groove in her own home, that has transitioned into Traditional + Western. Instead of having to choose one and go all-in, she gets to mix the two. She’s got a traditional rug and chinoiserie accents + cowboy hats hung on the wall and a rustic mantle. Can you see how we’re mixing the two together?

Many people think my style will be evident in my design portfolio so you’ll be surprised to learn it isn’t there! Because I believe your space should be authentically you, my portfolio looks more like all of my clients and less like me. I get asked a lot “but can you do my aesthetic or just your own?” and I laugh. I never get to do my own! So now, drumroll please, it’s time to reveal my style to you!

Rock & Roll + First Lady

That’s how I categorize my style. Rock & Roll, for me, means leather, studs, drama, sequins, showmanship, velvet, eyeliner, and pushing boundaries. I counter all of that wildness with the First Lady side of me; silk, pearls, floral chintz, sun rooms, sweater sets, and fine china.

In fashion this means I’ll pair shredded jeans with a bouclé jacket, or layered gold chains with a simple sweater. I know my color palette and stick to it! I only buy neutrals, blues, forest greens, and maroon. That means everything I own will go with everything else which makes it easy to get dressed in the morning! It also means I can’t be afraid to get weird—sometimes I’ll pair a new combo and Katie will say “it’s kooky…but it’s working!” I also am not afraid of a ball gown. I would wear one weekly, at least, if I could!

For my personal interiors I’m much more minimal in how I apply Rock & Roll + First Lady. Because, at work, I’m surrounded by a lot of color and things all the time, I prefer to be very neutral at home. I like the architectural detail to be what stands out in my rooms. I do have a few cool collections going from our travels but, other than that, I don’t want a lot of things. My dream interiors have white-on-white plaster molding, wood floors, and simple lines. I’m a big believer in buying quality instead of quantity so the furniture is high-end modern. Imagine two Eames lounge chairs in the Trianon at Versailles. That’s the look we’re after! I also believe in using your “nice things”. When walking through Versailles you see damaged marble, damaged wood floors that were repaired 60 years ago, etc. They add to the character and life of the place! What if Louis XIV had chosen materials based on price + durability only and not taken into account his creation of what it means to be royalty?! We’d have a very different experience at Versailles! My favorite materials are burl, black and white marble, concrete, mohair, hair-on hide, malachite, and silk drapes! 

Now that I’ve let you in on my style—can you see it in me? Are you surprised? Let me know!

Also, let us know if you need help identifying your personal style combo! I’d love to get you pointed in the right direction.


We’re Sarah and Katie — sisters who own and operate a full-scale interior design and home-remodeling firm in North Texas! Check out our portfolio or these Before & Afters for some inspiration!!